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29 November 2023

As we wrap up 2023, it's clear that the social impact movement is gaining momentum, inspiring change on both individual...

26 October 2023

On Wednesday 25th of October 2023, DUAL Brisbane proudly hosted its first signature charity event. The Charity...

2 October 2023

October is the designated month for raising awareness about mental health. 

21 September 2023

On Wednesday 20th of September 2023, DUAL Sydney proudly hosted its first signature charity event. The Charity...

15 September 2023

Join us for DUAL's Virtual Dive In Festival Event

8 September 2023

On Thursday 7th of September 2023, DUAL Brisbane proudly hosted its first signature charity event. The Barefoot...

31 January 2023
Thank you for supporting DUAL's Sustainability Journey in 2022! 
This 3-minute video tells the story of some...