DUAL Evolution Insurance


  • Directors and Officers Liability: $10,000,000
  • Employment Practices Liability: $5,000,000 (part of, and not in addition to, Directors and Officers Liability)
  • Tax Audit Costs: $2,000,000 (part of, and not in addition to, Directors and Officers Liability)
  • Statutory Liability and Supplementary Legal Expenses: $5,000,000
  • Crime Protection: $10,000,000

DUAL's Appetite

Preferred Risks:
  • Publicly listed companies outside of the ASX100
  • Private companies with turnover in excess of $50million

For more information, contact your local Underwriter.


DUAL Evolution is a packaged suite of products specifically designed to address the complex needs of medium to large businesses. It combines the tailored coverage of Directors and Officers Liability, Employment Practices Liability, Tax Audit, Statutory Liability and Supplementary Legal Expenses, and Crime Protection policies, with the simple transaction of Management Liability.

Management Liability Insurance, designed for SME's, provides an adequate risk transfer solution for businesses with turnover less than $50million, however it doesn't adequately address the exposures of medium to large companies.

Stand alone policies have historically involved complicated transaction processes, with fifteen page proposal forms and multiple risk management procedures required for each product.

DUAL Evolution bridges the gap between the Management Liability market for SME's, and stand alone policies. DUAL Evolution requires only one proposal form, with a single underwriting process and packaged delivery to ensure a simpler transaction process.

Features of Cover:

  • Directors and Officers Liability
  • Employment Practices Liability
  • Tax Audit Costs
  • Statutory Liability and Supplementary Legal Expenses
  • Crime Protection

DUAL has negotiated a dedicated Whistleblower Hotline to assist our Insureds in preventing, and blowing the lid on, corrupt and criminal behaviours. This valuable service is provided by PKF Forensic and Risk Services. For more information on PKF Forensic and Risk Services, click here.


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