Statutory Liability and Supplementary Legal Costs Insurance

Capacity up to $5,000,000

Statutory liability insurance provides coverage for businesses against legal liabilities arising from breaches of various acts of legislation. Examples of this can include violations of regulations related to health, safety and environmental laws. Unlike traditional liability insurance which typically covers common tort claims, statutory liability insurance specifically addresses the risks associated with failing to comply with legal requirements. By investing in this coverage, businesses can protect themselves from significant fines, penalties and legal costs, ensuring they remain compliant and financially secure in an increasingly regulated environment.

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Key coverages

  • Fines and penalties cover
  • Legal costs
  • Investigations cover
  • Advancement of defence costs
  • Work Health & Safety defence costs
  • Enforceable undertakings cover (optional)

Proven Claims experience

Our claims team have handled over approximately $10m worth of statutory liability and OH&S claims so we understand their complexities. DUAL’s dedicated claims team have significant industry experience and will manage the process from the initial notification right through to resolution.

Additionally, we engage specialist law firms where needed to handle complex claims to ensure the best outcome for the Insured.

Get in Contact

Financial Lines Specialty team

Download our financial lines specialty underwriting team contact sheet here.

WebRater team

Get in contact with the WebRater team here.

Claims team

DUAL Australia has an in-house Financial Lines claim team who are dedicated to handling your financial lines claims.

Our team comprises legally qualified claims handlers with significant legal and industry experience who will work with you to handle your claim from notification through to resolution. For more information click here.


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