Financial Lines | Stay up to date with the latest DUAL Australia's articles and industry insights

4 June 2024

DUAL Australia is thrilled to share an incredibly exciting update about the expansion of our partnership with Allianz.

22 August 2023

SME companies face greater challenges now more than ever before, including rising unemployment, incidents of theft from...

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15 August 2023

Professional Indemnity (PI) is designed to protect businesses and individuals against potential claims caused by...

8 August 2023

Watch this quick 2 minute video that explains DUAL's appetite and offerings for risks that fall outside the WebRater.

30 May 2023

As we enter the peak trading period in June, we wanted to highlight some key Management Liability (ML)...

15 March 2023

Here is a quick 3-minute video on two coverage queries we regularly get from our brokers to assist with selling...